VICTOR HUBERT RAPHAEL of Jennings, LA died May 13, 2013 at the age of 77. After the death of his parents, he and his siblings obtained possession of the H. G. Raphael and Sons Mortuary in Lafayette, LA; Abbeville, LA and Jennings, LA. He served as owner and manager of the H. G. Raphael and Sons Mortuary in Jennings, LA. While residing in New Orleans, he worked at Majestic Funeral Home and Good Citizen Funeral Home. He was called "The Godfather" by his professional colleagues because of his take charge attitude. He attended mortuary school in Syracuse, NY and became a licensed mortician in 1965. He was a member of the New Orleans Embalmers Association, and served as sergeant-at-arms of the Louisiana Funeral Directors & Morticians Association, and the National Funeral Directors & Morticians Association.